viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Ushuaia-Tierra del Fuego-Argentina

Ushuaia-Latitud: 54° 48' 57" S / 68°19' 04"

sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

arq. paisajista. Cristian Sigulin

Educación2002 -Arquitecto. Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. UNR. Argentina.

1996 -Diseñador Paisajista, graduado en el Centro Educativo de Nivel Terciario n° 52, Rosario. Argentina.

Trabajos desarrollados en Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego. Argentina.

2010-2009- Proyecto de Integracion Urbana Barrio Colombo. IPV. Parte del equipo inrterdisciplinario.
Director Provincial de Barrios y Hábitat dependiente del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur.
Desarrollo proyecto de urbanización barrio La Bolsita y Cooperativa desde Cero en conjunto con IPV, Municipio, MOI y cooperativistas.
Participación en el proyecto de urbanización del barrio Colombo conjuntamente con el IPV.

Trabajos desarrollados en México, Distrito Federal.
Grupo de Diseño Urbano. GDU. Arq. Mario Schjetan
Proyecto conceptual y desarrollo preliminar de la Plaza Cívica (Zócalo), en la ciudad de Zumpango, Estado de México, Mex.
Proyecto conceptual y desarrollo preliminar del Parque Central, en la ciudad de Zumpango, Estado de México, Mex.
Proyecto conceptual y desarrollo preliminar del Nodo Central y del Parque Lineal del Paseo Zumpango, en la ciudad de Zumpango, Estado de México, Mex.
Proyecto conceptual y desarrollo preliminar de la Tercera Etapa del Parque Eco-arqueológico Copalita, en Huatulco, Estado de Oaxaca, Mex.

Javier Sanchez Arquitectura Diseño y Desarrollo- JSA dd
Coordinación Concurso Internacional del Bicentenario de la Independencia. Plaza Tlaxcoaque. DF.
Concurso Parque Urbano y oficinas - Metepec.
Coordinación Paisajística ejecutiva nueva sede ICA- México. (Ingenieros Civiles Asociados). DF.

Trabajos desarrollados en Maracaibo, Venezuela.2007
Diagnóstico Urbano para el municipio de Punceres-Miraflores. PDVSA- Petróleos de Venezuela
Proyecto y conceptualización para nuevo parque urbano en Municipio de Punceres. PDVSA.
Práctica profesional en Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
Colaboración con arq. Jaime Morais & Associados

Participación como arquitecto, renderer/3D artista de visualización gráfica.
Desarrollo proyectos ejecutivos de HOTELES – GRUPO PESTANA. Portugal, Argentina, Venezuela Y Brasil.
Colaboración con arq. Jorge Mario Jáuregui (Verónica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design. Harvard GSD.)2005
Concurso Nacional de Ideas para Urbanización Favela Rocinha. Plano de Desarrollo Socio–espacial. IAB- RJ (Instituto de Arquitectos de Brasil). 3er. Premio.
Concurso Nueva sede Petrobrás. Espíritu Santo. Vitoria.
Concurso Holcim Awards - arquitectura sustentable- Suiza.
Plan de Desarrollo Urbanístico del Complexo de Manguinhos. Arquitecto proyectista. Miembro del equipo de Proyecto Estudio P.A.A. Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Concurso “Barão de Mauá”. Corredor cultural, ecológico y turístico en Magé. R.J. Mención de Honor.
Plan Urbanístico Parque da Misericórdia para el Complexo do Alemão. Publicación.
Concurso UIA. (Unión Internacional de Arquitectos). “Celebração das Cidades.”. Paris. Francia. Seleccionado.
Concurso de Unidades Habitacionales (Vivienda social) en Chile. Elemental Chile. Seleccionado.
Anteproyecto Centro de Integração das culturas populares-Escola de Samba, Paraíso da Alvorada. Complexo do Alemão.
Villa 31. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Participación proyecto de reurbanización. Arq. Jorge Mario Jáuregui.
Proyecto para reurbanización de Montedónico, Puertas Negras y Lautaro. Valparaíso, Chile.
Anteproyecto Villa Olímpica Complexo do Alemão. Miembro del equipo de proyecto. Estudio P.A.A Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Concurso para Anteproyecto Biblioteca José Vasconcelos. México-DF.
Propuesta técnica Programa Favela Bairro Comunidade Chico Mendes. Miembro del equipo de proyecto. Estudio P.A.A Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Propuestas técnicas Programa Favela Bairro Comunidades de Vila Joaniza, Guarabú e Nossa Senhora das Graças. Arquitecto. Escritório P.A.A Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Colaboración con arq. Paisajista Fernando Chacel.Participación como diseñador paisajista
Ciudad de la Música (proyecto de arquitectura, arq. Christian de Portzamparc). Rio de Janeiro.
Complejo residencial en Armação, Búzios. Rio de Janeiro.
Parque Tabebuias en Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro.
Vivienda unifamiliar en Itaipava , Rio de Janeiro.

Actividad académica.
Adscripción en la Cátedra de Proyecto Arquitectónico I, II, III- Titular: arq. Leo Galli- Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento & Diseño- U.N.R. Proyecto I. Argentina. Duración: 2 años. Concurso.

Conferencias dictadas.
Colegio de Arquitectos. Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego.
Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda (IPV). Ushuaia
CENT Florentino Ameghino. Ushuaia
Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad Mariano Gálvez. Centro Universitario de Petén, Guatemala
Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano y Social. Gobierno de Caracas. Venezuela.
Universidad estatal de Arquitectura del estado de Zulia. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
Facultad experimental de Arte. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
Ciclo el arte y el urbanismo. Centro Cultural Lia Bermudez. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
Universidad Tecnológica de Lima. Perú.
Río de Janeiro 39°. Proyectos Urbanos. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño. Argentina.

Producción cultural
Exposición argentina-brasileña Museo Maritimo Ushuaia. Ex Presidio Fin del Mundo. Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego.

32 ND International artexpo. Pier 94 on the Hudson river. New York. March 25-26
Exposición IV Salon de Artes Plasticas ABD. Forte de Copacabana. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil
Muestra Capacidades. Centro Cultural Inti Main. Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego
Exposición Centro Cultural Borges. Buenos Aires.
Exposición Museo Maritimo Ushuaia. Ex Presidio Fin del Mundo. Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego.
Edición y publicación de secuencias de diseños de “el hombre y su condición humana” Rio de Janeiro – México D.F
Publicación plan de Desarrollo Urbano Villa 31-31bis, area informal en Buenos Aires. Publicación diario Clarín. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Edición de “Unyverso”, libro de poesias. Rio de Janeiro
Organización y coordinación general exposición Jorge Jáuregui. Consulado Argentino. Sala Antonio Berni.
Edición de “Inmundo”, libro de poesías. Argentina.
Articulo sobre Idea y Materia en el Arte y la Arquitectura. Ampliando nuestras fronteras...Taller Galli en Ciudad Abierta. Revista Matéricos Periféricos 6. Revista de Proyecto Arquitectónico. Apoyada por la Secretaria de Planeamiento de la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Rosario. (2001)

arq. Carolina Dardi

Formación Académica.
1999- Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. UNR. Argentina.
Trabajos desarrollados en Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego. Argentina.

Sustenta: Laboratorio Social de autoconstruccion sostenible.
Coordinación Proyecto de Investigación sobre la problemática de los asentamientos informales en Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego. Argentina.
Coordinación Taller sobre vivienda social. “La casa como un sueño”, asentamiento informal, barrio La Bolsita.
Taller Universidad Popular Urbana en el marco de la misión de las Naciones Unidas dentro del encuentro de la red Patagónica del Hábitat.
Participación Alianza Internacional de Habitantes.

Trabajos desarrollados en México, Distrito Federal.
Javier Sanchez Arquitectura Diseño y Desarrollo- JSA dd

Coordinación Concurso Internacional del Bicentenario de la Independencia. Plaza Tlaxcoaque.
Coordinación Proyecto de Investigación vivienda de Interés social en México.
Coordinación general en la participación de Mexico para la Bienal de Venecia.

Trabajos desarrollados en Venezuela, Maracaibo.2007
Diagnóstico Urbano para el municipio de Punceres-Miraflores. PDVSA- Petróleos de Venezuela
Proyecto y conceptualización para nuevo parque urbano en Municipio de Punceres. PDVSA- Petróleos de Venezuela

Trabajos desarrollados en Brasil. Rio de Janeiro 2003-2007
arq. Oscar Niemeyer.

Coordinación. Centro Cultural en Avilés-Principado de Asturias. España.

Colaboración con arq. Jorge Mario Jáuregui (Verónica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design. Harvard GSD.)
Concurso Nacional de Ideas para Urbanización Favela Rocinha. Plano de Desarrollo Socio–espacial. IAB-RJ (Instituto de Arquitectos de Brasil). 3ro. Premio.
Concurso Nueva sede Petrobrás. Espíritu Santo. Vitoria. Arquitecta.
Concurso Holcim Awards-arquitectura sustentable-Suiza.
Proyecto para Plano de Desarrollo Urbanístico del Complexo do Manguinhos. Miembro del equipo de Proyecto Estudio P.A.A. Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Concurso “Barão de Mauá”. Corredor cultural, ecológico y turístico en Magé. R.J.
Mención Honrosa.
Plan Urbanístico Parque da Misericórdia para el Complexo do Alemão. Rio de Janeiro. Participación. Publicación.
Concurso UIA. (Unión Internacional de Arquitectos). “Celebração das Cidades.” Paris. Francia. Seleccionado.
Concurso de Unidades Habitacionales (Vivienda social) en Chile. Elemental Chile.
Anteproyecto Centro de Integração das culturas populares-Escola de Samba, Paraíso da Alvorada. Complexo de Alemão.
Villa 31. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Participación proyecto de reurbanización. Arq. Jorge Mario Jáuregui. Publicación Diario Clarín. Segmento Cultural. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Anteproyecto Villa Olímpica Complexo do Alemão. Miembro del equipo de proyecto. Estudio P.A.A Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Concurso para Anteproyecto Biblioteca José Vasconcelos. México-DF.
Propuesta técnica Programa Favela Bairro Comunidade Chico Mendes. Miembro del Equipo de proyecto. Estudio P.A.A Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.
Propuestas técnicas Programa Favela Bairro Comunidades de Vila Joaniza, Guarabu e Nossa Senhora das Graças. Escritório P.A.A Planejamento Arquitetônico e Ambiental.

Actividad académica.

Adscripción en la Cátedra de Proyecto Arquitectónico I, II, III- Titular: arq. Leo Galli- Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento & Diseño- U.N.R. Proyecto I. Argentina. Duración: 3 años. Concurso. Taller Final de Carrera.

Conferencias dictadas.
Colegio de Arquitectos Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego.
Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda (IPV) Ushuaia.
CENT Florentino Ameghino. Ushuaia
Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad Mariano Gálvez.Centro Universitario de Petén, Guatemala.
Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano y Social. Gobierno de Caracas. Venezuela.
Universidad Estatal de Arquitectura del Estado de Zulia. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
Facultad experimental de Arte. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
Ciclo el Arte y el Urbanismo. Centro Cultural Lia Bermudez. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
Universidad Tecnológica de Lima. Perú.
Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño. UNR. Rosario.
Producción Cultural.
Publicación plan de Desarrollo Urbano Villa 31-31bis, área informal en Buenos Aires. Publicación diario Clarín. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Miembro del equipo y apoyo operacional XVII congreso de arquitectos en Brasil. Módulo América latina- península Ibérica.
Organización y coordinación general exposición Jorge Jáuregui. Consulado Argentino. Sala Antonio Berni.
New Design for Public spaces. Coordinación en Brasil de la exposición Arq. Jorge Mario Jauregui. Van Alen Institute. New York. 12 junio - 31 octubre.
Articulo sobre Idea y Materia en el Arte y la Arquitectura. Ampliando nuestras fronteras...Taller Galli en Ciudad Abierta.
Revista Matéricos Periféricos 6. Revista de Proyecto Arquitectónico. Apoyada por la Secretaria de Planeamiento de la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Rosario.

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

Museo de Historia Natural. Proyecto U.N.R.

Natural History Museum
Project for a new building for the Museum of Natural History of the city of Rosario (Argentina), located in a public park and right off one of the main circulation arteries of the city.A space for dinosaurs that come and go…Trees, skies and different colors through the passage of the seasons…A man looks, walks, and absorbs all the conditions that he considers inherent to time…The concept moves away from the idea of the museum as one sole building. Instead the architecture fragments itself allowing different forms of experiencing public space. It is possible to access to the amphitheatre, the library and the bar without entering the museum.The void conditions and shapes the new building, arranging, perforating and assuming it as own. It shelters the existing building embracing it but without touching it, respecting their distance in time and space.Its materiality is exacerbated by the use of concrete only, with one sole color to harmoniously negotiate between the technical issues and the landscape.The building invites those that pass by to stay, offering different speed and spatial qualities, benches, flooring and roofing that transcends its skin. Here architecture instead of being pretentious, it adheres to the rhythms of life, to songs, to the very place…

Proyecto Urbano. Valparaiso. Chile

Estudio: arq. Jorge Mario Jauregui

Concurso Petrobras. Victoria. Brasil. Arq. J. Jauregui

The building is conceived with the criterion of triple sustainability: ambient (used of environmental characteristics, topographic and climatic), economic (promoting a scheme based in energy saving allowing at the same time, comfort and facility of support), and social (promoting a favorable environment for integration and conviviality).
-The architectonic area is based in the idea of “total building” that implicates the convergence of multiples variables articulated with unity of conception resulting of multidisciplinary board of conjunct of factors enveloped. The aim, is the configuration of a building with unitary character, that brings the separation of each component part of the program. The access Atrium, thought as a conviviality square, constitutes a neuralgic point able to receipt, in an harmonic space, the possibility of integrate different events of collective character, using the visuals of the city and the mountains.
-The construction is conceived searching the minimized ambient impact, promoting a general attitude of eco-efficiency and eco-numeral. It offers a contemporary working space characterized by comfort and easy modification of layouts and energy friendly, in concordance with the LEED concepts.
-the project foresees a system of utilizations of energy based in the cogeneration (gas-electricity) in contemplation to reduce the cost and the contamination.
-The design of the building innovates in the incorporation of the public dimension through the materialization of conviviality space (the Atrium) that dialogues with the city, facilitating activities with collective character. The façade of the offices, is conceived with the function of double efficiency: capturing solar energy in concordance with the orientation and at the same time thermo protection, incorporating the views.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

Corredor Cultural, Ecológico y Turistico en Magé. Brasil. Arq. J. Jauregui

The area of intervention is located in Mage, a district neighboring Rio de Janeiro on the Guanabara Bay. It is based on the restoration and reactivation of the first Brazilian railway, a 150-year-old infrastructure16km long that used to connect the Mountains and the sea. This axis was mainly built to transport goods from the gold mines to Europe in the XIX century. The proposal creates a network of connections that triggers and facilitates local development through an organized appropriation of the space by the community, the public power and private investors. Another important aspect is the emphasis given to the preservation of the historic and environmental patrimony and to the concept of democratization and re-qualification of public space through the introduction of new uses that would activate the local social, economic and cultural activities.The main aspect of the proposal is the restoration of the connection between the mountain and the sea through the railway. This axis becomes the armature that promotes multi modal transportation systems in each of its enclaves: train, boat, car, bicycle and pedestrian.These various means of transportation allow for different speeds and time that can articulate and relate to alternative tourist options oriented to history, culture or leisure according to the users. The time is also addressed in a way that there would be options for one, two or more days of stay, with an infrastructure of hotels, hostels, bead and breakfast, etc. with different character (including agrarian-tourism and eco-tourism style) distributed along the main axis


Biblioteca Pública Jose Vasconcelos. Mexico. Arq. J. Jauregui

The building proposed is open to its context with an access plaza that articulates it with the surroundings. The volumetric-spatial configuration is conceived to facilitate the delimitation of different zones that are visually linked with internal gardens that have different character. The concepts that organize the project are penetration, communication and transparency. A great covered but opened hall serves as transition between the interior and the exterior as well as gathering point associated with the library, the bookstore, the bar, the auditorium and the multi-use rooms.

La Ciudad de la Musica. Arq. C. Portzamparc. Rio de Janerio. Brasil

Caja de Abogados y Procuradores en equipo junto a arq. Mauro Arevalo/arq. Mariela Mussi. Rosario. Argentina

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Complexo do Alemão. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. Arq. Jorge Jauregui

Green Park, Urban Park
The city of Rio de Janeiro has grown in a fast and disorganized way। The city doesn't stop growing in a constant process of morphologic mutations. This permanent urban expansion without adequate planning results in the existence of a few fragmented and scattered open spaces. These clearings that result in the process have the potential to generate a new landscape, with spaces for permanence and spaces of passage.Before this reality we need to not only plan these spaces but the connection among them.The project, an initiative for a park in the Northern side of the city of Rio de Janeiro, promotes the links among the public spaces of the adjacent neighborhoods in addition to the landscape design of the existing open space.The strategic intervention on the voids makes the structuring of the landscape and the new spatial organization at urban territorial level possible, constituting strong signals, giving new meaning and attributing new functions.We looked for to emphasize the potentialities not taken advantage of and the hidden ones, to recognize and to invent structures for these landscapes, giving back to the place its latent energy.The project of the Parque de la Sierra de la Misericordia allows to face the urgency of the socio-environmental question and to the inevitable work of the reordering of the territory and the city. By means of the void we can reinvent the metropolis, today: partially divided, tomorrow: complex.

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

Complexo do Manguinhos. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.

This project is characterized by a long term planning of an informal area of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Manguinho complex is composed by thirteen favelas and is located in the Northern side of the city. The work is lead by an interdisciplinary team throughout the process, with the general coordination conducted by the urban designers. It is presented with three structuring phases: Identification, Diagnosis and Proposal. The identification phase comprises the research and recollection of territorial-physical, social, economic, cultural and legal data.In the Diagnosis phase those data are used to identify problems and potentials using diagrams and graphics to facilitate a dialogue with both the municipality and the community in successive meetings. This phase sets the base for the ideas that would generate the general proposal.The proposal is based on the principle of structuring of the informal sector to integrate it to the rest of the city. Here we developed a 20-year plan with five phases of implementation of four years each. In addition one sector in particular is approached as an exemplary case. We have chosen the most conflictive sector, Leopoldo Bulhões avenue that together with a railroad were dividing the area in two.Two challenges.The Complexo do Manguinho area is known as the Gaza Strip and Leopoldo Bulhões avenue as the Death's Avenue. This gives a sense of the scale of the social problems, which are stronger than the physical-territorial issues present in an area where drug trafficking dominates the scene.

Elemental Chile. Chile. Arq. Jorge Jauregui

The idea of this competition was to rethink affordable housing, contributing for the solution of one of the main problems of the low-income population in Latin America, with inexpensive worthy houses of architectural quality that would configure aggregates with urban and environmental value. The proposal incorporates and synthesizes the principles used in the framework of the Favela Bairro Program of the city of Rio de Janeiro.We proposed an organizational-compositional system that would provide efficiency in the use of the land, create public spaces with quality and a consistent urban image.The units are expansible from their initial 30m2 using a construction technology simple that offers different alternatives of materialization generating diversity within unity. The organizational-compositional system allows for growth without the loss of the image, negotiating the users' individualities with a sense of beauty and harmony for the overall complex.Some units are designed to combine home and work, a very common demand in the low-income population.

Villa 31. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Arq. Jorge Jauregui.

Inserted in a strategic point of the city of Buenos Aires, this slum fights for its permanence in the site against the public power policy that has been a systematic eradication of slums, extrapolating them to the perifhery of the city.We developed an urban design proposal that promotes the integration with the city since our principle is to respect and value the cultural traces that the population adds to the territory.The proposal approach is to restore the place and the existing underutilized buildings. We propose a network of vehicular and pedestrian streets to connect with the formal city improving the access points to the community with the design of a gateway with landscape treatment and adequate urban furnitare.We generate sport and leisure areas that include: a football field, a gymnasium, am amphitheater, cultural and job generation spaces.The focus of the project was the acaptative reuse of existing warehouses and esplanade, transforming the area in a space for multiple public activities of high architectural quality, with social assistance centers, bars, restaurantes, markets.

Holcim Award.Hacia una arquitectura sustentable. Suiza. Arq. Jorge Jauregui

This project is thinking in function of generated a study that response to autosusteinability.
This possibility structure has to attend to the urban regeneration in deteriorated areas.
The idea beginning of the concept of Urban Stem Cell (USC), than the passively origin, compost for three surfaces, the productive one's (hydroponics vertical cultivate with the collect that attend of income and work center generation, ones communicational (publicity, illumination, cinema in the public square) and the anchoring surface (used for Workshops, spaces, for sleep and study, it will be the proper structure).

Favela Rocinha. Rio de Janiero. Brasil. Arq. Jorge Jauregui

The Development Social-Spatial Plan (PDSE) uses the strategy based in the methodology, that articulates the territory of “Rocinha”, regrouping in projected units, from a hierarchy that includes Poles (non central) connecting with the city, and Sectors of Urban Development (SDU). This, groups the existents sub-districts (different sectors of one neighborhood) in development zones based in their densities, topography and local identity. These sectors are compounded of many sub-sectors (sub-districts) in concordance of their characteristics, each sub-district is structured in projected cells, organized in condominiums. As part of this structured hierarchy, in each Sector of Urban Development (SDU) it is inserted a Sector Cells of Development (C_CEL) that includes the whole urban equipment for culture, sports and recreation. Associated at these Cells it has been programmed, different areas, with diverse habitat (living spaces) typologies, offering varied options for relocations of inhabitant. So the PDSE will assure one interconnected web with the base in new centralities, incorporating the already existents, constituting identifiable focal points, operating as social grounders, anchors, interconnecting spatial and socially the identity of the community, given signs of a new order in the place

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

arq. Oscar Niemeyer. Centro Cultural en Aviles. Principado de Asturias. España

I see the terrain in all it's extension, plain, open on the background and feel that the inevitable solution is to create a big square, whit the museum and the auditorium at both ends. Slowly, carefully, I am looking to reevaluate the two projected buildings. In the auditorium, if the acoustical was it right, if the visibility was good, if the foresees spaces for the seats and stage was right. In the museum, if the empties spaces will be good adjust, creating, what I had contemplated, an interesting game of levels, if the entrance of the material was well projected, independent as it should be, and the control also contemplated. The study of this project went on... A marquise was created, to generate the liaison of the two buildings. And, something that wasn't on the project: a restaurant was planned at 15 meters high, overlooking the surroundings. A new point of attraction for the project, that from my point of view enriches the architecture and I needed to suggest. On the restaurant I observe with the same attention, and where the stairs before stood inside the building as a central support, now are passed to the exterior, putting the accent onto the lightness that I had aim for the project... In my quest in finding always a different solution, I gave to the stairs a more free design, knowing the technical difficulties that I was creating . And I went to examine if the space between the two buildings was adequate, and once again changed the project, creating a bigger gap between those, making a marquise joining them at the entrance, creating a more cohesive conjunct.
Oscar Niemeyer description.